Sethard P
Potassium silicate hardener and dust reducer for concrete surfaces
Sethard P is a transparent surface hardener and dust reducer, designed for application on concrete and cement. Sethard P is based on an aqueous solution of potassium silicate and improved surface hardness. Sethard P chemically reacts with the free lime in the concrete forming dense, wear resistant.
- Reduse the dust
- One component material
- Long - lasting material
- Economic material
- Allows water vapor to come out of the concrete structure
- Ease of use
Sethard P is recommended for new and old concrete surfaces such as concrete floors, pavements, columns and soffits. It is not used for the renovation of crushed, cracked concrete.
- Parking areas
- Factories
- Warehouses
- Garages
- Refrigeratory
- Food processing plants
Approximate Coverage:
Approximately 0.07 - 0.10 litre/ m² for new concrete.
Approximately 0.100 - 0.200 litre/ m²/ for old concrete floors.
Pack size:
Sethard P is available in 20 and 30 litre packs
Sethard P complies with EN 1504-2.
Application Instructions, Datasheets and more information
Application Instructions, Datasheets and more information
Application Instructions, Datasheets and more information
Application Instructions, Datasheets and more information